We must enforce the covenant through the fight of faith.
1 Tim 6:12a: “Fight the good fight of faith”
Faith is a fight, but glory be to God, it’s a good fight. The only fight that is sanctioned by God is the fight of faith. Not many things come easily; there are times when you have to fight the faith fight to receive what God has already released for you.
This is a true saying: the quality and quantity of what enters your hand depend on the strength of your fight.
You are believing for a Job you submitted your resume/application to the Job of your choice. After that, don’t go home and sit down, fight.
Do you believe God for that business? The fund doesn’t seem to be coming. Then, fight the fight of faith.
Are you believing God to settle down and seem like things are not going your way? Don’t give up, fight.
Does it seem like you can’t keep it together even when you try? Your world is crashing down on you, and you have no one and no place to turn. Fight, fight, fight the good fight of faith.
Keep in mind that the battle has already been won, but you must enforce your victory through the faith fight.
Fight with the word of God: God’s word is God Himself. Whatever He said to you personally and through His word, put him in remembering of those promises by confession of faith, keep saying it, keep believing, and keep professing it. This is a fact: whatever you can’t boldly confess, you don’t basically believe.
Is it fear you are trying to overcome? Look for scriptures that tell you about overcoming fear. Is it rejection? There are also scriptures for that. Tell the flesh and the Devil what the word of God says about your situation.
Prayer is not a futile exercise of repeating words into the void. It’s a powerful tool of communication with God, your beloved. Just as everyone has a language they are fluent in, God is fluent in his word. When you pray, you are reminding God of what is written in his word. Many of us mistake complaining for praying. But remember, praying is not complaining. It’s a deep fellowship with your loved one, a chance to be heard and understood.
For so many people, this is one of the forgotten dominions in our faith fight.
Psalm 50:5 Gather to me this consecrated people, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice.
Acts 10:34 God is not a respecter of persons. However, he respects your sacrifice.
Some believers are not useful to God because they have never given him anything that costs them heavily.
Psalms 102: 14-15
You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favor to her; the appointed time has come. For her stones are dear to your servants; her very dust moves them to pity.”
Sometimes, when all seem not to be in line, stand on your service to God. Make sure your records are in order. Hezekiah stood on his service to God. Isaiah 38:2:” Face to the wall.”
During the time of Haggai, God’s people lived comfortable lives in their seal houses, neglecting the house of Yahweh. As a result, their lives began to experience a shortfall. God had to remind them to trace their footsteps back to the source of their problem. It was a lack of service. Remember, you can’t rule well until you have served well. Every great person on earth today was once a servant in a specific capacity and is still serving but in a different capacity. Your service is not just a duty; it’s a crucial part of God’s plan, and it’s what makes you valuable and integral to his work.